Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Last Minute Challenges-Creative Tuesday

This is probably a  piece for this challenge, it was a down to the wire idea. This is my caricature of a rotary phone showing most of the alphabet. Then I am going to enter it for Journal Journey's Challenge unless I get a brainstorm for another piece. I am trying to work on Birds for our next Inspiration Ave. Challenge, hoping it comes out the way I envision as it will be one of my better works. Have a great evening. Here is the link to go back to view other participants; http://www.creativetuesdays.blogspot.com/


  1. I like your concept for the alphabet theme. Nicely done. :)

  2. Visiting from Creative Tuesdays - clever idea to use the telephone dial :0)

  3. the photo's a bit dark though but from what I can see, it's a great idea for the theme.

    hope you have a great day.

  4. Oh, clever idea for alphabet,Kathy! Wish I could see the image better but enlarging it helps. Fun! Thank you so much for getting this in on time. I know--this theme was hard! Thank you so much though for getting it done and playing along!
